I had this conversation with a friend over some sushi last week and I just thought about it today.
So my friend Lisa, she always smells amazing, no matter how near or far, sweaty and dirty or clean, she smells great to me regardless. I remember many occasions where we go to long outdoor events (like Orange County Fair, etc) and it was really hot out and we were both sweaty and nasty, but she still smelled really good, and I started to smell like the fried food and turkey leg that I just consumed. Sometimes I can't even smell other people, even from a close distance, but I can definitely smell Lisa, from anywhere.
This smell isn't just some perfume or fragrance, she has smelled the same since high school and she told me she has changed many a perfume since then. Also, the particular smell is extremely potent and strong. I can smell Lisa from many many feet away. This doesn't just happen with her too, but others too like my friend Steph. At the Puente Hills Mall, in front of AMC20, I smelled that Steph was upstairs coming down the escalator while I was downstairs... SMELLED! Not to mention the time where these twins (Sharlene & Darlene) I hiked with in La Jolla. We were REALLY dirty after a whole day of hiking, but they smelled fine, if anything they smelled great... like they never left their apartment.
Lisa tells me that this smell phenomenon just doesn't happen to her and that maybe I can just recognize pheromones in my sense of smell better than other people.
This got me thinking about the people that I think smell good to me, as well as the people that I've avoided in life because they smelled pungent or just weird.
I remember many people that smelled weird to me that I've avoided solely because the smell... not bad, but just weird and foreign. I also remember how everyone would befriend that certain individual, like they don't know what I'm smelling. My own father has this particular strong man scent that always kind of repelled me. Maybe that's why I don't quite get along with him all the time. Oh, and that Mexican kid in my class that does amazing Illustrator work... my eyes water and I want to puke every time he sits by me because he smells REALLY bad to me, but he's a total chick magnet and shows off his work to them and the girls really don't mind his ridiculously terrible smell. This guy smells like pork rinds and mayonnaise after being nuked in a microwave. I SWEAR! That's exactly what he smells like!
Oh and also men in general. While in the company of other men, I would smell "man stink" that would determine that I definitely would never be gay! WOOHOO! Men really do stink, like this pungent, sour smelling stink. I think all my guy friends have this, their apartments smell of this man stink, their cars, just them in general. I guess I'm only friends with the people that have tolerable "man stink". What's funny is that I think women love this "man stink".
I remember when I used to stay over at my ex-girlfriend's place and she would take an undershirt of mine and keep it because it smelled good, or she'd sniff the area where I laid on her bed, but when I smell the shirt, I say...yeeeea that's going in the laundry because that's a smelly shirt. Maybe she should have cleaned my clothes HAHA!
I'm sure this happens to other people, not just me... or maybe she's just a weirdo that likes to smell sweaty stank.
Does this happen to you? Comment please =)